The VisualIDX Featured Listing widget is one of our most versatile tools. Very few sites use it the same way.

We see a lot of Featured Listing widgets on home pages, either as full width sliders, or as block elements below the fold. Additionally, we see the Featured Listing widget in many sidebars. Most of these implementations take advantage of the ability to fully customize the in-line HTML for the widget.

For those wanting a high quality, fast and easy to implement Featured Listing in their WordPress sidebar, they can use the default HTML and styling, either via a few easy-to-implement lines of Javascript, or the Featured Listing shortcode by using our VisualIDX WordPress Plugin.

The Featured Listing widget is also a perfect tool for Real Estate Advertising. The Featured Listing widget is just a few lines of lightweight javascript an HTML, so can be used in Ad systems like Google Adwords (note* – WSM is an Authorized Google AdWords partner) or Adbutler. A good example of the Featured Listing widget for Real Estate Advertising is in the Real Estate Section of where it used to promote Real Estate Advertising Durango.

Need help configuring the VisualIDX Featured Listing tool for your site, social media page or advertising campaign? Check out the documentation here.

Get the VisualIDX Featured Listing tool